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Hi there. I’m Ricky Gong, who got a Master’s degree at Technische Universität München in 2019 and currently working as a software engineer at Huawei ’s 2012 Lab. I speak Chinese (both Mandarin and Cantonese), English and a very tiny bit of German. This site is defined as my notes collection and knowledge base, so its function includes both recording and sharing.

Why this blog?

Since I learned writing in Markdown , I have been used to write down anything I found useful or valuable and keep the notes digitally at some note apps or websites. It’s really a good way indeed to keep my memory vivid against the flush of time, which is enough for me for quite a long time.

However, I gradually realize two main drawbacks of my “note system”. First, it’s not easy to share my notes to someone else, unless they are using the same app or website (with a very little likelihood). Second, when I encounter a problem and be perfectly sure that I wrote something helpful on some of my notes, neither can I rapidly retrieve them nor simultaneously have them rendered in a convenient way.

After a long time of thinking and having many experiments, at last I choose the current form — build up this blog site via a Github Pages -like service1 and publish my Markdown notes here on the website. In this way, things become simpler:

  • To share my note? Send the link!
  • Wanna check out specific content? Click the search button top right!

And even better:

  • Git comes in to play and I can do version management!
  • Raw materials can be open-sourced!

Except there’s a bit more work for me to do. But that’s fine. I’m a nice guy ;)



  1. “某型软件的安装、配置和使用”这类的文章肯定少不了,毕竟这个博客除分享外还兼具笔记的功能,但还是想尽可能多地写一些专业性更强的、涉及原理的内容;
  2. 叙述时要注意避免在无意间省略了对我而言已经习以为常,但对一般读者而言可能并不熟悉的过程细节,避免让读者感到思维跳跃和不知所云;
  3. 要注重文字排版和整体配色上的美观。这样不仅能提升阅读效率,也能给人以美的享受。

能读到这里的读者朋友们也挺不容易的,看我嘚吧嘚半天了。感谢你的关注!欢迎就博客里的内容跟我讨论 ~

If you have questions/comments/suggestions/anything that you would like to share with me, please feel free to contact me!

  1. I made Gitee instead of Github as my first choice due to the well-known network access difficulty and the growing risk from the international politics perspective. ↩︎

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